Jumat, 18 November 2011

Pizza Party!

If you have followed the blog for a while, you know I am a fan of Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois' "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day" and "Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day".  After following their recipes on line, I finally bought the books and have had fun making artisan bread following their method for no knead bread.

When I was in Atlanta recently, I had the opportunity to meet the authors and receive a copy of their new book  "Artisan Pizza and Flatbread in Five Minutes a Day"
Hey, there is something wrong with my wine glass!

I've spent some time going through the book and we had a small pizza party this week where I tried out the Master Recipe.  I was a little nervous as we are used to at least partially whole wheat pizza dough and this was made with all white flour.  Silly me.  It was an amazing crust!

We made a simple mozzarella, tomato and sage (for something different instead of basil) pizza and a pear, prosciutto, and blue cheese pizza.  Served with a simple salad and some wine, voilà, the makings of a perfect evening.
Dough freshly mixed
Dough ball
Pear, prosciutto, and blue cheese pizza with pine nuts and asiago cheese
Simple mozzarella and sauce with sage pizza
Wow was that good!

If you haven't seen the book yet (what are you waiting for?) here is a link to the master dough recipe (I halved it and had enough left over for at least one more 2 person pizza after our party).  Make sure you get UNBLEACHED all-purpose flour...a lot of what the grocery stores carry is bleached and the authors tell us that the bleaching takes out some of the protein which messes with the chemistry of the dough.  Who knew?  That is only one thing I like about the book, in addition to fabulous recipes, all kinds of helpful information about ingredients.  For more of what I like about the book, here is my review on Amazon.  (I received the book as a gift from the authors, the opinions are mine).

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